Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Round Two: Total Knock Out!!

So I thought I was Billy Badass when I got finished with my first treatment only to be dealt the hand of The Great Equalizer: Treatment #2. Seriously, that was AWFUL!! It wasn't all that bad while I was getting it, although towards the last hour, my arm started burning so bad, the nurse brought me a post partum maxi pad ice pack to lay my arm on. Turned out to be the perfect length!! Ha!

I got discharged from St. Luke's at around 5:30 and I was very crabby. Jeff stopped and got me an ice cream to help bring up my blood sugar, but I could already feel the throbbing behind my eyes and I couldn't take Tylenol until 10:00. My in-laws were so sweet to cook us a big supper, but when we got home, the headache was full on. Y'all, I can't even express how bad my head hurt. I've had Migraines before. This was like a Migraine on CRACK COCAINE!! It made me so dizzy, I could hardly get up, it made everything blurry and shake back and forth, and I was so nauseated. Then came the chills and the fever. I honestly thought I was going to die!!!

The next morning, after being in bed since 9:45 and hardly sleeping, I called my doctor. He and his wife called me several times throughout the day to check on me and baby. They are wonderful people. I finally joined the land of the living at around 5 Sunday evening, but my headache didn't fully subside until Monday morning.

According to the one of the nurses at IGG America, my home healthcare provider, the fact that I had so much IVIG in such a short span and I only got sick for about a day (especially since they were infused so fast), she told me that was really impressive!! So I guess I really did tolerate it okay, considering the amount.

Unfortunately, it was right back to work that Monday. So I never really recouped the time lost. But it was nice to go back and see my friends at work.

People have started to ask me if we will go for the girl next time or if we are having another baby after this. You know, up until I started my treatments, I would have considered a third, and not because I want a girl, but because I love babies. Honestly, I was rather relieved to find out I was having another boy. But people don't really understand what me (and Jeff) are having to go through.

NAIT has been the monkey on my back for almost three years now. And if I can walk away in April with a healthy baby boy and my own health in tact, then I NEVER want to do this again. It's something Ive had to think about everyday and to be able to just close that chapter of my life, while bittersweet because my reproductive days will be over, it will be a relief. Going through a second pregnancy has been the most emotionally trying experience I have really had to face. Not knowing the outcome is so hard on me. So no. We are not going for the girl or having a third baby. Hopefully, God will bless me with a sweet, healthy boy at the end of this long journey. And that is all I can really ask for. I will honestly have everything in the world that I ever really wanted. It will be enough.

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