Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Fun Trip to L&D

So Monday afternoon, I wasn't feeling well at all. I had a lot of nausea and cramps, plus I was having a pretty regular pattern of contractions; some were pretty strong!! I'm only 34.5 weeks along, so it's still a little early to be having a baby!! I had a treatment scheduled for Monday afternoon and Becca lives so far away, so I figured it would be fine. We got going around 4:30, but by around 6:00, I had gotten in bed. (I normally just lay on the couch and watch TV.). I had chills so bad and I felt like I needed to vomit. My temperature was up and Becca and Jeff were both getting worried.

I emailed Dr. Moise and Jeff paged his wife, Karen. Dr. Moise called back within 15 minutes. By this time, I was paying hommage to the Porcelain God. Let's just say if I never taste chicken salad again in my life, it won't be too soon!!

Dr. Moise told Jeff to have Becca stop the Ivig, since that was only making it worse and get me down to St. Luke's. The good thing was I already had my IV in, so Becca just put some Heparin in it. I wouldn't have to worry about getting poked again!!

Pop and Sugar came to watch the house and stay with Jay, who was blissfully unaware that something was amiss. Jeff and I headed out. I had to tell Jeff to pull over because I was going to be sick again. I didn't even care if it was the side of the road. I just wanted a place to puke!! Jeff pulled into Chick-Fil-A and I can only imagine what I looked like to people: big, pregnant, dark circles under my eyes, a sheen of perspiration on my brow, green and an IV hanging out of my arm. They probably thought Jeff was my heroin pusher!! Whatever, I could have cared less. So much thanks to Chick-Fil-A for use of their handicap bathroom!! Big, spacious and clean!! And Jeff got an iced tea while he waited on me!!

So we finally get to St. Luke's around 10ish and they got me up to L&D fast. I just wanted to die!! The chills were killing me and my stomach hurt so bad. The on-call doctor was very nice. I felt sorry for him. I certainly wasn't tons if fun to be around and I'm pretty sure I smelled bad. They got me hooked up to a bag of fluids and Zofran after they took some blood to run a CBC. Thank God I had that IV in!! I started feeling a lot better. They had me hooked up to the monitors. Samuel was perfectly happy! Very active and his heartbeat was very strong!! But the contractions were very regular, coming every 2-4 minutes, however on the strength scale, they were at a maximum of 60/100, so definitely there, but not horrible.

They came to check me and I was still closed and high with no effacement, but they told me the contractions will probably keep coming and over the next few weeks, they'll just get harder and stronger. The whole time I was thinking, "Please don't let me go into labor! I'm not ready yet! I still need to prep diapers and wash clothes!".

The thing is, for as much as I want Samuel here safe in my arms, I want everything to go according to the plan!! It was so chaotic with Jay, I would like something calm in comparison.

Anyways, we got to go home at about 1. Then after I got home, the Gastrointeritis started working it's way out the other end!! So basically, for the past 48 hours, I've been trying to replace all the fluids I've been losing. I think it's finally starting to subside and hopefully I can go back to work tomorrow and Becca and I are planning to do IVIG #28 on Friday!!

So yeah, fun times! You almost HAVE to have one good trip to L&D while pregnant! It's like a right of passage or something!! Hopefully the next time we go to L&D, we WILL be having our baby and not just taking care of a stomach virus!!

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