Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nine Days Left!!

Can you believe it? Everything is coming down to single digits!! I only have two IVIG treatments left, six days until the amniocentesis and nine days until we meet Samuel, if the amnio shows that his lungs are ready!! So now it's honestly like I'm really holding my breath and just trying to keep it all together.

I got a phone call Wednesday afternoon from Karen, Dr. Moise's wife, telling me I may not be a candidate to donate for Samuel because of my anemia. I knew this might be an issue, so I wasn't too shocked. But then she called me Thursday afternoon and said definitely no, because I had developed Thrombocytopenia myself and my counts were down to 80K. Now THAT was a blow.

How could my counts be so low? I take Ivig and Prednisone!! Dr. Moise doesn't know why and I go back on Monday for another CBC, but I'm not too optimistic about my counts. I blew my nose this morning and got a tissue-full of blood. Not to mention that I've been bleeding a little longer after treatments. So I'm definitely not clotting as fast. But Dr. Moise isn't concerned. He said it could be lots of things.

I had to promise Jeff last night over Mexican food that I would try really hard not to die in the OR. Can you imagine? That would suck!! But unfortunately, these things still happen! That's why I can't imagine why in the Hell anyone would have a baby at hone these days. There's still so much that can go wrong, but that's an entirely different subject.

So now I'm just really nesting. Samuel's room is totally ready. All the clothes are washed and hung, blankets are folded, diapers are washed and prepped for use, and I'm ready to try my hand at breastfeeding again!! My house is so clean, it's stupid, but I wanted to get it all done before this week because now it's going to be easy to maintain between Jeff and me.

The schedule is as follows: dr. appt on Monday, treatment #31 on Tuesday, free day Wednesday, treatment #32 on Thursday, but considering waiting until Saturday or Sunday, amnio on Friday at 8 am, freedom over the weekend (putting up the bassinet and installing carseats) and delivery on Monday, April 26th at 2 pm!! The fact that I have a fully booked itinerary makesme happy! It can't come soon enough!!!!

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